Management and characteristics of agricultural soils in Providencia Town, Nueva Guinea, 2017




sustainable agricultural development, soil fertility, physicochemical characteristics, soil acidity, clayey, soil structure


This research regarding the quality and management of agricultural soils was carried out in 18 agricultural production systems of Providencia Town, selected through stratified sampling, these were organized into 3 groups according to the size of agricultural areas, characteristics were evaluated physical, chemical and biological soil, as well as the management activities carried out by producers. The physical-chemical analyses were carried out in the soil and water laboratory of the National Agrarian University.Regarding the current use of agricultural soils, basic grains, roots and tubers and robusta coffee predominate, they are traditionally managed soils with indications of physical (hydric and wind) and biological degradation, moderately acidic, with organic matter and nitrogen suitable for satisfying crop demand, phosphorus is deficient and potassium is moderately available.Physically they are ultisol soils, shallow with two defined horizons, dark reddish, clayey, generally in blocky and angular structure, many fine and shallow pores, and adherent plastic with organic matter content greater than 5%, moderately acidic.


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Author Biographies

Henrry  Ariel  García Aragón, University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast

Ingeniero agroforestal, URACCAN Nueva Guinea

Juver  José Sequeira Martínez, University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast

Ingeniero agroforestal, URACCAN Nueva Guinea

Carlos  Álvarez Amador, University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast

Ingeniero agroforestal, especialidad en Desarrollo Local Centroamericano, especialista en Docencia e Investigación, docente de la URACCAN, recinto Nueva Guinea 



How to Cite

GarcíaAragón,H. Ariel , SequeiraMartínez,J. José, & Álvarez Amador, C. (2020). Management and characteristics of agricultural soils in Providencia Town, Nueva Guinea, 2017. Revista Universitaria Del Caribe, 24(01), 78–97.



Environment and natural resources