About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal aims to disseminate research conducted at the Francisco Gavidia University, and also by scientists from other national research institutions and abroad, in order to contribute to the academic debate and contribute to the formation of scientific knowledge.


Disseminate scientific knowledge through the publication of original articles in areas of Technology, Economic Sciences, Engineering and Systems, Legal Sciences, Education, Social Sciences, Marine Sciences, Communications, Art and Design that stimulate reflection and academic discussion on reality, to promote its transformation.

Approach and scope

In the magazine of the UFG "reflection on our reality is promoted, assuming it as a starting point for the reflection itself" since "by combining these two concepts can be true teaching, research and social projection. To the extent that (...) there is new knowledge, there is development, change, transformation, progress and dynamism ".

It is a biannual peer-reviewed publication that follows a process of peer review by "double blind" reviewers, leading specialists with experience in research and in the subject area of the articles.

The journal is open to contributions from the academic community of the UFG and external authors, in the following areas: Technology, Economic Sciences, Engineering and Systems, Legal Sciences, Education, Social Sciences, Marine Sciences, Communications, Art and Design ; some editions may be monographic.

This publication is aimed at students, researchers, teachers, professionals and society in general.

Peer Review Process

The research articles will be subject to evaluation by the editorial team and arbitrators appointed for that purpose. The evaluation guidelines and criteria applied by each referee, and by the Editorial Board include quality, relevance, methodology, content, updated use of sources and relevance.

The arbitration system is "double blind" and has an instructions and an instrument developed for this purpose, which will be delivered through the emails: editores@ufg.edu.sv and jlozano@ufg.edu.sv. The papers, reviews or reviews and the essays will be evaluated exclusively by the Editorial Committee.

The articles that meet the thematic and formal requirements indicated in these instructions will be declared as "received" and put to the consideration of the Editorial Board and the referees for their evaluation. Items that do not conform to these standards will be declared as "not received".

The results of the evaluation of the arbitration will be: Approved without changes; Approved with suggestions; Approved conditioned to the realization of certain changes and rejected.

Spelling and style revision

Texts accepted for publication are subject to spelling and style correction; in this sense, authors may be required to correct proofs of printing, which will be returned shortly. The introduction of substantial changes in the tests will not be allowed, being limited to the correction of errors with respect to the accepted version. The magazine doesn,t charge to apply, process, publish or read the articles. 

Open Access policy 

Universidad Francisco Gavidia promotes permanent, free and unrestricted access to scientific and academic content, favoring the accesibiliy, visibility and impact of scientific research. In this sense, the magazine allows users to read, download, print and uses the content always respecting the copyright according to the principles contemplated in salvadoran and international legislation y this matter.  

Antiplag system

The magazine rejects plagiarism and unethical practices. In this sense, the texts received, before proceeding to the arbitration process, are submitted to a verification system through the URKUND system: https://www.urkund.com/

In cases of plagiarism detection, the texts will be rejected and the decision of the editorial coordination will be communicated to the authors.


Publication Frequency

The Journal is published twice a year in June and December.

Editorial Board

Dr. Oscar Picardo Joao

Director del Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (ICTI-UFG)
Universidad Francisco Gavidia
Correo electrónico: opicardoj@ufg.edu.sv


Dr. Rainer Christoph

Coordinador Laboratorio de Nanotecnología (ICTI-UFG)

Correo electrónico: rainer@nanotecnia.net


Doctorando Balmore Pacheco

Director de Egresados y Graduados UFG
Correo electrónico: rpacheco@ufg.edu.sv

Dr. Marlio Paredes

Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
Investigador visitante del Simon A. Levin Mathematical, Computational and Modeling Sciences Center, Arizona State University.

Correo electrónico: marlio.paredes@correounivalle.edu.co


Dr. David López
Investigador Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occidente de la Universidad de El Salvador

Correo electrónico: davidelopez@hotmail.com