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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La petición no ha sido publicada previamente, ni se ha presentado a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al editor).
  • El fichero enviado está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
  • Se han añadido direcciones web para las referencias donde ha sido posible.
  • El texto tiene interlineado simple; el tamaño de fuente es 12 puntos; se usa cursiva en vez de subrayado (exceptuando las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas están dentro del texto en el sitio que les corresponde y no al final del todo.
  • El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo indicados en las Normas para autoras/es, que se pueden encontrar en Acerca de la revista.

Author Guidelines

Call and instructions for authors
Reality and Reflection is the academic journal of the Francisco Gavidia University. It is an arbitrated biannual publication under "double blind" system that publishes articles from the UFG academic community and from external authors, in the areas of Technology, Economic Sciences, Engineering and Systems, Legal Sciences, Education, Social Sciences, Marine Sciences, Communications, Art and Design.

In the magazine of the UFG "the reflection on our reality, and assuming it as a starting point for the reflection itself. By combining these two concepts can be true teaching, research and social projection; to the extent that (...) there is new knowledge, and in them there is development, change, transformation, progress and dynamism ".

This publication is aimed at students, researchers, teachers, professionals and society in general.

Reception of originals
The journal Reality and Reflection receives research articles, papers, reviews or bibliographic reviews, chronicles and essays. The texts must be original, relevant, relevant and not have been published in other academic journals. 

Each article is subject to a review process by peer reviewers, under the "double blind" modality. The reviewers are prominent specialists with experience in research and in the subject area of the articles.

Indications for authors
Reality and Reflection publishes unpublished works. Those interested can send: research articles, papers, reviews or bibliographic reviews and essays. In the case of texts classifiable as "Scientific Research Articles" they should be structured in IMRD format. This format answers four key questions:

 Figure No. 1. Key questions of the IMRD format. Source: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Introduction: summarizes the background that gives rationality or relevance to the study. When relevant, it must make explicit the hypothesis whose validity was intended to be analyzed. It is not an extensive review of the subject and should only contain bibliographic references that are strictly relevant. In the introduction the reasons that motivated the investigation are indicated, it must end with a phrase that clearly synthesizes the purpose of the study. The results and conclusions of the study are not mentioned in the introduction.

Method: describes the instruments, methods and procedures used in the investigation. If well-established and frequently used methods were used (including statistical methods), the respective references are cited. When the methods are not well known, references should be indicated and a brief description added. If the methods are new or modifications were made to established methods, they must be described accurately, justify their use and state their limitations. It is important to include the design of the experiment, the population studied, the setting where the research was conducted, the interventions and the statistical analyzes.

Results: they are presented following a logical and concordant sequence. The data can be displayed in Tables or Figures, but not simultaneously in both. In the text, important observations are highlighted, without repeating all the data presented in the Tables or Figures. The presentation of the results should not be mixed with their discussion.

Discussion: highlights the new and important aspects of the work and the conclusions that are proposed from them. In the discussion the data presented in the "Results" are not repeated in detail. It is important to make explicit the concordances or disagreements of the findings and their limitations, comparing them with other relevant studies, identified through the respective bibliographic references. It is appropriate to indicate that the conclusions should be supported by their results. When appropriate, recommendations are proposed.

Sending of originals
The works will be sent in Spanish, in Microsoft Word and in electronic support to the email addresses: or PDF documents will not be accepted.

Each article must be written in neutral style (third person) in a clear, simple and well structured. It is recommended to carefully check the spelling, punctuation and avoid typographical errors.

The articles must have at least 10 pages and a maximum of 25.
Articles must be written in a single space (1.0). Source: Times New Roman. Size of the font: 12
The first page should include:

  • Title in Spanish and English
  • Names and surnames of the author or authors. If there are several, please indicate who the main author is (senior author).
  • Academic affiliation in the following order: academic degree that he holds (bachelor's, master's, doctorate); name of the university where it was granted, email address.
  • Summary. You must have two summaries (one in Spanish and one in English or abstract) of 250 words maximum. In addition, three to five keywords must be added (in both languages). When selecting keywords, consider how users or readers can find the article through a web browser and databases.
From the presentation of articles
Title. It must be short and not exceed 12 or 15 words.

Boards.Texts can include tables, charts, figures and graphs. These will be strictly necessary and must be explained by themselves; they should not include abbreviations, they should indicate the units of measurement, and contain corresponding full notes and sources. The tables are composed, for the most part, of numerical data and their content complements the text, they do not repeat the text information. The rules of the American Psychological Association (APA) will be used for the presentation of the tables. As the following example:

Figure n. 2. Table model. Source:

Picture. The tables provide numerical information and texts. Like the tables, you should head with the word Cuadro and the number. In the following line the title should be written in italics. At the end a "Note" will be included with the information source. If the data belongs to the author, it will be indicated: Own elaboration.

Figures and graphics. With the denomination figures include schemes, maps, infographics, graphics and photographs. The images must be delivered in separate digital files. Its format must be JPG, in shades of gray, with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI. They will be numbered correlatively with Arabic numerals. They should be referred to explicitly in the text. It is important that the images are the property of the author or authors; or that have the licenses and permits for their use.

Figure No. 3. Figure model. Source:

Quotations and references
Preferably, the magazine recommends authors use the APA standards; however, it is open to the use of other systems, as long as the author uses the same throughout the document and not a mixture of several.

Figure No. 4. Summary APA standards. Own elaboration. Source:

Selection of articles
Proof of originality and assignment of publication rights

The authors must sign a certificate in which they indicate that the text presented for publication is original, unpublished and that it has not been sent for review in another academic publication; In turn, the authors assign the rights of publication and publication to Francisco Gavidia University. The format of this record will be sent through the emails: and

The journal Reality and Reflection is housed in the institutional dissemination platforms (web page and in the repository), as well as in databases and other pages of scientific dissemination. The publications of the Francisco Gavidia University are subject to the Salvadoran copyright law, contemplated in the Intellectual Property Law

The content of the work is the sole responsibility of the author, therefore, if for any reason or reason, direct or indirect, the Editor is obliged to pay any compensation to a third party derived from the work of the author, whether it is established in a transaction, agreement or final or enforceable judicial sentence, the Editor may repeat against the Author for the total amount of compensation, plus adjustments, interests and costs that correspond

Creative Commons License

The content and opinions expressed in the publication are the responsibility of the authors of the published articles. The authors assign the publishing and publishing rights, in printed and digital version, to the Universidad Francisco Gavidia.

Creative Commons License

The articles can be downloaded and used according to the conditions of the License
Creative Commons:

The magazine doesn't charge to apply, process, publish o read the articles. 

It will be the obligation of the UFG to grant five copies of the publication which will be delivered at the UFG Editores headquarters in San Salvador.

The research articles will be subject to evaluation by the editorial team and arbitrators appointed for that purpose. The evaluation guidelines and criteria applied by each referee, and by the Editorial Board include quality, relevance, methodology, content, updated use of sources and relevance.

The arbitration system is "double blind" and has an instructions and an instrument developed for this purpose, which will be delivered through the emails: and The papers, reviews or reviews and the essays will be evaluated exclusively by the Editorial Committee.

The articles that meet the thematic and formal requirements indicated in these instructions will be declared as "received" and put to the consideration of the Editorial Board and the referees for their evaluation. Items that do not conform to these standards will be declared as "not received".

The results of the evaluation of the arbitration will be: Approved without changes; Approved with suggestions; Approved conditioned to the realization of certain changes and rejected.

Antiplag system

The magazine rejects plagiarism and unethical practices. In this sense, the texts received, before proceeding to the arbitration process, are submitted to a verification system through the URKUND system:

In cases of plagiarism detection, the texts will be rejected and the decision of the editorial coordination will be communicated to the authors.

Spelling and style revision
Texts accepted for publication are subject to spelling and style correction; in this sense, authors may be required to correct proofs of printing, which will be returned shortly. The introduction of substantial changes in the tests will not be allowed, being limited to the correction of errors with respect to the accepted version.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.