Central American Migrant Caravans: ¿Where’s the Central American Integration System?

¿To what extent has the SICA intervened with migration and social policies to avoid the mass migration from Central to North America?


  • José Hernán Serpas Comas Universidad Francisco Gavidia




Migrant caravans, SICA, migration legislation, migration policies, human rights, migrating rights


The main objective of this paper is to analyze the lack of migration and social policies from the Central American Integration System (SICA) towards the eradication of the waves of migrants also known as ‘Migrant caravans’. To achieve a juridical, empirical and objective analysis it is necessary to define the Migrant caravans to later analyze the legal tools that the CAIS has to avoid and eradicate such caravans. Finally, the new ‘Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration’ signed by many of the UN countries is put under the magnifying glass to determine how it can provide the SICA with the necessary legal framework to avoid irregular migration in masses and, in case of failing, how it can protect migrants in their journeys.


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Author Biography

José Hernán Serpas Comas, Universidad Francisco Gavidia

Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
Docente Tiempo Completo en la Universidad Francisco Gavidia.
Investigador Asociado al Observatorio de Políticas Públicas de la Universidad Francisco Gavidia.



How to Cite

Serpas Comas, J. H. (2020). Central American Migrant Caravans: ¿Where’s the Central American Integration System? ¿To what extent has the SICA intervened with migration and social policies to avoid the mass migration from Central to North America?. Reality and Reflection, 52(52), 121–150. https://doi.org/10.5377/ryr.v52i52.10638