Whale watching in Los Cóbanos, El Salvador: a first approach to the activity


  • Melvin Giovanni Castaneda Proyecto Megaptera El Salvador
  • Marlenne Vázquez Cuevas Proyecto Megaptera El Salvador
  • Álvaro Humberto Flores Escalante Universidad de El Salvador
  • José Dagoberto Salgado López Universidad de El Salvador




whale watching, Megaptera novaeangliae, humpback whale, Los Cóbanos, El Salvador


In El Salvador, cetaceans have been little studied. Due to their regular migratory habits and association with the coasts; some species such as the humpback whale have been the focus of whale watching tourism in recent years. This type of tourism is growing rapidly around the world: one of its challenges is to conserve habitat and species while managing the needs of communities. Aspects of tourist activity and species are still unknown, being essential to generate scientific information. The objective is to describe the tourist activity of whale watching in the community of Los Cóbanos during November 2014-April 2015, taking as elements the description of the tourist supply and demand, estimate of the economic cost and species object of the activity. This work represents the first efforts to document socioeconomic aspects of whale watching tourism and lays the foundations for the conservation of these species in the country.


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Author Biographies

Melvin Giovanni Castaneda, Proyecto Megaptera El Salvador

Licenciado en Biología por la Universidad de El Salvador
Investigador Proyecto Megaptera El Salvador

Marlenne Vázquez Cuevas, Proyecto Megaptera El Salvador

Licenciada en Biología por la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Investigadora Proyecto Megaptera El Salvador

Álvaro Humberto Flores Escalante, Universidad de El Salvador

Estudiante - Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occidente, Universidad de El Salvador

José Dagoberto Salgado López, Universidad de El Salvador

Estudiante - Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occidente, Universidad de El Salvador



How to Cite

Castaneda, M. G. ., Vázquez Cuevas, M. ., Flores Escalante, Álvaro H. ., & Salgado López, J. D. . (2021). Whale watching in Los Cóbanos, El Salvador: a first approach to the activity. Reality and Reflection, 54(54), 123–139. https://doi.org/10.5377/ryr.v54i54.12071