Polychaetes and other macrobenthic associated fauna in rocky intertidal zone of Mizata, La Libertad, El Salvador





intertidal, macroinvertebrates, Pacific ocean, polychaetes, rocky beach


Intertidal rocky strips are important habitats for conserving biodiversity in coastal regions, but scientific studies are scarce, particularly on the coast of El Salvador. The present study determined the distribution, abundance of polychaetes and other benthic macrofauna of the rocky intertidal zone of Mizata, during february, april and june (2017); establishing three horizontal and perpendicular transects to the coastline with 0.5 m height in vertical gradient, between four and five quadrants (25 cm2) were included during low tide, collecting intertidal fauna from the rocky substrate. The most abundant species were: Boccardia proboscidea, Neanthes galetae, Pseudonereis variegata, Typosyllis aciculata and Typosyllis variegata. These nereids and both species of Typosyllis inhabit the middle fringe of the intertidal zone dominated by Brachidontes adamsianus. Polychaetes were also associated with Chama coralloides and empty barnacle heads in the lower intertidal strip. Species richness increased in lower areas.


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Author Biographies

José Enrique Barraza Sandoval, Universidad Francisco Gavidia

Licenciado en Biología por la Universidad de El Salvador
Maestro en Ciencias por la Universidad de Texas A&M
Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Investigador asociado del Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (ICTI) de la Universidad Francisco Gavidia (UFG)

Verónica Esperanza Melara, Universidad Francisco Gavidia

Licenciada en Biología por la Universidad de El Salvador
Investigadora asociada del Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (ICTI) de la Universidad Francisco Gavidia (UFG)

Angelo Picardo, Investigador independiente

Facultade de Ciencias do Mar, Universidade de Vigo, España



How to Cite

Barraza Sandoval, J. E. ., Melara, V. E. ., & Picardo, A. (2021). Polychaetes and other macrobenthic associated fauna in rocky intertidal zone of Mizata, La Libertad, El Salvador. Reality and Reflection, 54(54), 252–265. https://doi.org/10.5377/ryr.v54i54.12084