Shallow benthic communities of Los Cóbanos (El Salvador), with two new records of biodiversity




shallow reefs, new records, marine invertebrates, Central America


Benthic communities have the functional role of energy transfer, it is by their analysis is incorporated into the state of health of ecosystems. Therefore, the objective of this work is to identify the main functional groups in four shallow rocky reefs of Los Cóbanos (El Salvador), as well as to know their structure and the relationship that the composition of species has with physical variables. The method used was transect and quadrant, and for data analysis it was performed with descriptive statistics and principal component analysis. The main groups found on reefs are gorgonians, sponges, turf with hydroids and calcareous algae. In addition, two new
reports of marine species are made: Caryophyllia inornata and Solanderia sp. The knowledge generated is of great value to understand the dynamics and functioning of Salvadoran reefs.


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Author Biographies

Johanna Vanessa Segovia Prado, Francisco Gavidia University

Licenciatura en Biología por la Universidad de El Salvador.
Maestría en Biología con énfasis en Ecología por la Universidad de Costa Rica.
Investigadora del Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (ICTI), de la Universidad Francisco Gavidia (UFG), El Salvador.

Alejandra Trejo Ramos, Francisco Gavidia University

Licenciatura en Biología por la Universidad de El Salvador.
Auxiliar de investigación del Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (ICTI), de la Universidad Francisco Gavidia (UFG), El Salvador.



How to Cite

Segovia Prado, J. V., & Trejo Ramos, A. (2023). Shallow benthic communities of Los Cóbanos (El Salvador), with two new records of biodiversity. Reality and Reflection, 1(57), 76–90.


