Artificial intelligence dilemma: critical thinking and digital generations




artificial intelligence, ethics, critical thinking, digital generation


Artificial intelligence raises many concerns, regarding the perspective that is analyzed, since for many it is the perfect opportunity to make a technological revolution, improve the efficiency of processes and incorporate new virtual assistance to daily activities. On the other hand, many are misgivings about the scope of artificial intelligence, in terms of human activities, such as the elimination of jobs, development of procedures by artificial means, ethical problems, plagiarism, and especially where the world is headed with superintelligence. In the educational field, artificial intelligence has a great panorama, since students belong to a digital generation very different from other generations, and the way of learning has been revolutionized, therefore, the applications of artificial intelligence become very attractive for education and the development of science. Now, will artificial intelligence manage to obtain a thought? And that's where the dilemma between AI and the ability that human beings develop from their experiences and their level of cognitive evaluation and assessment arises.


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Author Biography

Liseth Guadalupe Oviedo Guevara, Universidad Francisco Gavidia

Licenciatura en Ciencias Jurídicas, Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occidente de la Universidad de El Salvador.
Maestría en Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje, por la Universidad Francisco Gavidia, El Salvador.
Colaboradora del Juzgado de lo Civil de la ciudad de Chalchuapa, departamento de Santa Ana en El Salvador.
Docente universitaria hora clase e investigadora en el Centro Regional de Occidente, de la Universidad Francisco Gavidia, El Salvador.



How to Cite

Oviedo Guevara, L. G. . (2023). Artificial intelligence dilemma: critical thinking and digital generations. Reality and Reflection, 1(58), 69–83.


