Criminal legal regulation of sexual crimes in Honduras


  • Hazel Jasmín Bolaños Vásquez Doctora en Derechos Humanos y Derecho Penal por la Universidad de Zaragoza. Licenciada en Ciencias Jurídicas por la Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas. Investigadora Asociada, ICTI-UFG



Sexual freedom, sexual indemnity, sexual offenses, sexual violence, Honduras


The paper studies the offenses that protect the legal right to sexual indemnity and freedom in Honduran law, starting with the analysis of the social context of the country in relation to sexual violence, and then analyzes the current constitutional and secondary legislation that pursue to eradicate this violence. Specifically, the paper analyzes the criminal law that punish the violation of legal rights under study, for identify if in the criminal legislation persist gender stereotypes, which may have an adverse effect in the protection of the rights of victims to be treated with equality.

After analyzing the various offenses is evident that, despite the various reforms carried out to the Honduran criminal law, it is necessary to review and change the configuration of some crimes, especially the crimes of rape and statutory rape; and suppressing other offenses whose regulation might induce judges to link such crimes with concepts such as honor and shame, as in the cases of crimes of rape and incest. Also, exist a lack of systematization in the criminal regulation of sexual violence that affects its holistic application.

Realidad y Reflexión Año 15, N° 42, 2015; 55-88


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How to Cite

Bolaños Vásquez, H. J. (2016). Criminal legal regulation of sexual crimes in Honduras. Reality and Reflection, 42, 55–88.