Indicators of academic quality of accredited universities El Salvador (2009-2013) and its impact on economic development


  • Elner Crespín Elías Doctor en Ciencias Económicas Investigador en el área de Economía de la Educación ICTI-UFG



Academic quality, accreditation, education indicators, Research and Development (R&D), Scientific and Technical Activities (STA)


This article explores quantitative data 9 accredited universities El Salvador, and makes an assessment (2009-2013) of the main educational indicators. The results show a positioning of 4 accredited universities, reflecting significant differences in the main indicators of academic quality.

On the other hand, low rates of graduates remain in the areas of science, a little 1% in recent years, which shows that science has not been a priority in state policies; as a country also maintain low rates of investment, relative to GDP, in Activities of Science and Technology (ACT) -0.98% on Investment and Development (R&D) -0.03%, and the number of researchers (533). These results affect the economic performance of the country, due to the low productivity of Salvadoran firms, low investment in ACT, R & D, taking the base little or no linkage of universities with industry, situation that has been constant, requiring action by the actors of society for public policies that impact on the educational system.

Realidad y Reflexión Año 15, N° 42, 2015; 152-167


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How to Cite

Crespín Elías, E. (2016). Indicators of academic quality of accredited universities El Salvador (2009-2013) and its impact on economic development. Reality and Reflection, 42, 152–167.