Formulated development for organic dyeing with Indigo


  • José A. González Centro de Investigación en Ciencias, Universidad Francisco Gavidia.
  • Patricia G. Bernal
  • Delmi Linares
  • Elizabeth M. Crown Departamento de Ecología Humana, Universidad de Alberta



indigo, dyes and dyeing, textiles handicrafts, natural resources, environment


An investigation has been conducted for the development of an organic formulated in the indigo dyeing of natural fibers, which is friendly to the environment, and with zero impact on health and dyers. The research reported here found that it is possible to dye fiber fabrics 100% cotton with entirely organic process, where the components of the formulation are natural products that cause no adverse impact to the environment, as follows: wheat bran and reducing agents molasses and hydrated lime agent alkalinity control. As seen below, the ideal parameters were established in the concentration of each of the components: minimum size of the bath, by mixing the components, protocols fermentation processes and dyeing. The results showed that dyeing with established organic formulated dyed fabrics are 100% cotton with good fastness to washing and rubbing, with very little bleeding after overage fabrics indigo dye.

Realidad y Reflexión Year 12, No.36, September-December 2012: 43-67


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How to Cite

González, J. A., Bernal, P. G., Linares, D., & Crown, E. M. (2017). Formulated development for organic dyeing with Indigo. Reality and Reflection, 36, 41–68.