El Salvador – China: A suitable trade alliance?


  • Miguel Lazo, Doctor Universidad Gerardo Barrios




The recent opening of diplomatic relations between the Republic of El Salvador and Popular Republic of China brought with it a series of positions related with the viability of this relationship and the results it will bring. This paper focuses on the study of both economies from the following points: 1) A brief analysis of the complex global environment giving a review of the phenomena presented in the last decade, 2) the review of the trade policy of El Salvador in recent years, 3) a review of the aggressive foreign policy of the Asian country and its regional relations and cooperation, 4) the growing presence of China and its impact in Latin America, and 5) the opportunities and challenges of El Salvador to take advantage of this new relationship with the Asian giant in the best way possible.


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Author Biography

Miguel Lazo, Doctor, Universidad Gerardo Barrios

Licenciado en Computación por la Universidad Capitán General Gerardo Barrios, El Salvador.
Máster en Logística Integral por Bureau Veritas Business School, España. 
Máster en Comercio Internacional por el Instituto Superior de Educación, Administración y Desarrollo asociado al Centro Universitario Villanueva adscrito a la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España.
Doctor en Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas por la Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional, Costa Rica.



How to Cite

Lazo, M. (2019). El Salvador – China: A suitable trade alliance?. Reality and Reflection, 48, 123–139. https://doi.org/10.5377/ryr.v48i0.7085