Use of visual programming technologies for the development of mobile applications. Cases Universidad Francisco Gavidia – UFG


  • Claudia Reneé Meyer Universidad Francisco Gavidia
  • Víctor Miguel Cuchillac Universidad Francisco Gavidia



Visual programming, mobile application development, ICT sector in El Salvador, methodology for ICT teaching


This study was made with the porpuse of determine whether the development of applications for mobile devices is viable or not: it begins by presenting the current state of the international market and the many technologies that are linked with smartphones and tablets. The traditional teaching system (coding using text) and the new methodology called "visual programming", which requires less technical knowledge to create applications, are succinctly analyzed. Additionally, the panorama of the ICT sector in El Salvador is presented both from the economic perspective, as well as the available human capital and qualified human talent. Finally, three different experiences in the UFG (Universidad Francisco Gavidia) about the use of a methodology based on visual programming to produce mobile applications using free software available online are presented. High school students participated in the first experience; in the second, young university students of different faculties and in the third one, researchers in technology and mathematics.


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Author Biographies

Claudia Reneé Meyer, Universidad Francisco Gavidia

Máster en Gestión Estratégica de la Comunicación por la Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas, El Salvador. 

Licenciada en Mercadotecnia por la Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado, El Salvador. 

Investigadora Asociada en Industrias Creativas, en el Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de la Universidad Francisco Gavidia, El Salvador. 

Víctor Miguel Cuchillac, Universidad Francisco Gavidia

Máster en Informática Aplicada a Redes de la Universidad Francisco Gavidia. 

Ingeniero en Electrónica, por la Universidad Don Bosco, El Salvador. 

Investigador en Ingeniería y Tecnología, en el Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de la Universidad Francisco Gavidia, El Salvador. 



How to Cite

Meyer, C. R., & Cuchillac, V. M. (2019). Use of visual programming technologies for the development of mobile applications. Cases Universidad Francisco Gavidia – UFG. Reality and Reflection, 50(50), 82–107.