Protein, iron and zinc content in salvadorian native maize


  • Manuel Cortez Azenón Escuela Nacional de Agricultura "Roberto Quiñónez"
  • Carlos Ayala Durán Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil



El Salvador, iron, protein, maize, zinc


Breading research regarding maize usually focuses in hybrid varieties in El Salvador, leaving aside native seed research. Likewise, numerous research papers usually focus on output results. Given this tendency, the present text performs a nutritional analysis of selected native maize in El Salvador. To do so, a bromatological analysis was implemented using the x ray fluorescence method to identify the percentage of protein, zinc and iron content in six creole (native) varieties in El Salvador, as well as a commercial witness. Results show that native maize present similar and often higher nutrient content compared to the commercial witness. Hence, the comercial witness did not show superior performance in any of the three analyzed nutrients, having the worst iron content and second worst indicators in zinc and protein.


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Author Biographies

Manuel Cortez Azenón, Escuela Nacional de Agricultura "Roberto Quiñónez"

Agricultural engineer Universidad Técnica Latinoamericana. Research Escuela Nacional de Agricultura "Roberto Quiñonez". 

Carlos Ayala Durán, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Doctor en Desarrollo Rural por la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, Brasil



How to Cite

Cortez Azenón, M., & Ayala Durán, C. (2020). Protein, iron and zinc content in salvadorian native maize. Reality and Reflection, 51, 25–35.