LBW Prediction at 32 Weeks of Gestation in General National Hospital. CylinderModel
Low Birth Weight Prediction, LBW, Symphysis Fundal Height, Gestational Age, Cylinder Model, CLAP OPS/OMS sheets, Head Circumference, El SalvadorAbstract
Low birth weight (LBW) corresponds to the most important cause that affects neonatal mortality and infant morbidity. Some studies show a strong relationship between low birth weight and maternal biological, socioeconomic, and health factors, for example, maternal height, poverty, and a low number of prenatal controls, respectively. Because these factors cannot be solved immediately, an attempt was made to develop a predictive model that would omit them, and, in addition, be accessible to health facilities, clinics, hospitals, regardless of whether they are public or private, but especially those that do not have sufficient technological equipment to carry out adequate fetal monitoring. To meet this objective, a specific data collection was carried out on the CLAP Perinatal Clinical History sheets from the clinical records corresponding to mothers with term results with Low Birth Weight between 2016 and 2018 from the National General Hospital of Pneumology and Family Medicine: "Dr. José Antonio Saldaña”. Within the data collected there were two variables that were considered unrelated to maternal, socioeconomic and health biological factors: Symphysis Fundal Height and Gestational Age. These two variables have been sufficient to construct the cylinder model that has helped us to predict, within the limitations of the study, the weight at birth at 37 and 38 weeks, based on data from week 32 ± 1 of gestational age.
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© Universidad Francisco Gavidia
Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (ICTI)
Reality and Reflection
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