Origin minimally processed foods Plant and Bioconservation
Remittances, Rural, MigrationAbstract
There is currently a worldwide trend towards greater consumption of fresh foods with a lower proportion of chemical additives, safe, sensorially acceptable and of high nutritional value; technologies have emerged in the production of this type of food called minimally processed foods. However, the consumption of fresh or minimally processed foods poses a health risk because of their vulnerability to microbiological contaminants that present a health risk by causing foodborne diseases (ETS) due to their consumption by consumers without having undergone any type of thermal processing. The present document focuses on a brief presentation of the origin and nature of minimally processed foods, the concept of bioconservation,and its application in this type of food through different studies involving the use of inhibitory metabolites of pathogenic microorganisms in minimally processed foods of plant origin such as BAL-generated bacteriocins; this as technological alternatives of conservation and food safety with the purpose of generating actions that allow the prevention of outbreaks of foodborne diseases.
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