Qualitative identification of seismic vulnerability conditions in homes in the Rímac district, Lima-Peru
Earthquake-resistance, informal-housing, seismic-joint, seismic-risk, seismic-vulnerabilityAbstract
Due to its location on the South American Pacific coast, Peru is permanently exposed to seismic hazards. The widespread practices of informal construction without technical standards for earthquake-resistant design represent a vulnerability that increases the risks associated with this hazard. The objective of this research was to identify the most frequent conditions of seismic vulnerability in the construction of housing, using a qualitative method based on visual observation. A sample of 403 homes was taken from the Rímac district in the city of Lima, Peru, in 2023, without considering the area declared as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. An observation sheet designed for visual recording from the public road was used as an instrument, without having to access the homes. It was concluded that among the main conditions of vulnerability observed were the absence of seismic joints (89.33%), the difference in slab level between neighboring buildings (59.8%), and the construction of low-density brick walls (60.30%). The interaction of these conditions between adjacent homes can have catastrophic effects on buildings and increase the risk of loss of life in the event of an earthquake. It is therefore recommended that these points be emphasized in educational programs for the population on the importance of good construction practices.
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