Evaluation of the productive behavior of four tomato hybrids, under protected conditions, located in the Chagüite Grande community, department of Jinotega, Nicaragua
Hybrid evaluation, yield components, phenotypic correlationsAbstract
In Nicaragua, the tomato crop (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) occupies the first place among the vegetables with the highest production and consumption. In the present study, four hybrids were evaluated, three from South Korea and a commercial variety, the experiment was established under a protected agriculture system in a farm of a producer from the community of Chagüite Grande, located in the department of Jinotega in the First cycle 2019. The experimental design implemented was Complete Random Block (BCA) with four repetitions and four treatments. The yield was estimated by means of the longitudinal repeated means methodology and mean separations through the Tukey test (α = 0.05), in the same way phenotypic correlations were made between the yield components. The analyzes were carried out in the R program version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22) through one of its platforms Rbio version 141 (09-20-2020), the physical and chemical analysis of the soil was followed by the methodologies of the laboratories of the National Agrarian University and the University of Engineering. According to the results, the hybrids that presented the best performance were Tisey and Miranda with average yields of 109,728 kg ha-1 and 104,695.9 kg ha-1 respectively, in the same way positive correlations 0.97 are shown for the variables number of commercial fruits and the yield, also the soil presented good physical and chemical properties for good development of the crop.
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