Scientific and technical foundations in the formulation and processing of meat products




Meat products, formulation, processing, yield, water holding capacity, sensory evaluation


The research objective was to describe the scientific and technical foundations in the formulation and processing of meat products. Worked out Formulas in triplicate for traditional products such as chops, ribs, smoked meat pieces, smoked sausages, chicken, and fish nuggets. Technical and scientific criteria were applied for the formulations to comply with quantities and concentrations of additives according to food regulatory standards (Codex et al., and RTCA). Exciting data were obtained from the CRA for products such as smoked chop at 83.96%, pork leg or ham at 94.14%, and yields for smoked sausages at 97.05±0.22% and smoked rib at 68.57±10.00%. Regarding the sensory evaluation, the panelists valued extenders such as corn flour in sausages; 50% expressed that they liked it a lot, and 20% liked it very much with soy flour, followed by 40% who wanted it moderately. On a scale from 1 to 6 (level of pleasantness), the corn extender presented an average of 5.40, and the sausage with soy flour was 4.80. Sensory evaluation was applied as a methodology that guarantees quality and acceptability in the development of meat products.


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Author Biography

Ever Adolfo R Reyes Puerto, National Autonomous University of Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

He holds a Master's degree in Food Processing from the National University of Engineering (2019), Nicaragua and a degree in Agroindustrial Engineering from the National Autonomous University of Honduras-UNAH (2014). He is currently a Professor at the UNAH at undergraduate level, in the career of Agroindustrial Engineering. He has diplomas in Pedagogical Training in Higher Education by FUNDA-UPNFM, Applied Statistics Faculty of Engineering by the School of Mathematics UNAH, in Scientific Research by DICIHT-UNAH and University-Society Linkage. In addition, he has experience in the area of Science, Formulation and Evaluation of Agroindustrial Projects, Food Technology, Food Processing and Total Quality, design of Hygiene and Safety plan for food laboratories, formulation and coordination of linkage projects, Educational Innovation and research.


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How to Cite

Reyes Puerto, E. A. R. (2024). Scientific and technical foundations in the formulation and processing of meat products. Journal of Science and Technology El Higo, 14(2), 20–36.



Scientific articles