Evaluation of the banana Snack production process, “KC” company in Chone Canton, Ecuador





Green banana, banana chips, temperature, acidity, peroxide value


The aim of this research was to determine the production process of green plantain snacks in the KC company, located in Cantón Chone. Thirty samples of plantain snacks and thirty samples of frying oil were taken to analyze acidity and fat content, and acidity and peroxide index, respectively. A proposed improvement in the plantain snack production process was applied through mass balance. The results obtained from the physicochemical, bromatological, and peroxide index analyses were processed using Student's t-test and the statistical software R-studio (version R433, 2024). The acidity content in the snack exceeded the maximum allowable limit set by current regulations, with an average value of 0.375%, while the fat content had an average value of 37.8%, which meets the requirements established by NTE INEN 2561:2010. The frying oil showed an average acidity value of 2.47%, surpassing the maximum allowable limit set by NTE INEN 1640:2021. The mass balance used as a proposed improvement indicated that 10.96 kg of oil at a temperature of 210 °C (T0=210 °C) would be needed to fry 6 plantains weighing 1.62 kg. These results highlight the need for stricter control of frying conditions and oil management to ensure the quality and safety of the product, thus strengthening the competitiveness of the "KC" chiflería in the market.


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Author Biographies

Katheryn Valeria Robalino Delgado, Higher Polytechnic Agricultural School of Manabí Manuel Félix López, Calceta, Ecuador

Agroindustrial Engineer graduated in 2023 from the Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí.

Yomira Margarita Ferrín Mendoza, Higher Polytechnic Agricultural School of Manabí Manuel Félix López, Calceta, Ecuador

Agroindustrial Engineer graduated in 2023 from the Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López.

Diana Carolina Cedeño Alcívar , Higher Polytechnic Agricultural School of Manabí Manuel Félix López, Calceta, Ecuador

Agroindustrial Engineer with a Master's degree in Agroindustry and doctoral candidate in the Food Industry Product and Process Engineering program at the Faculty of Sciences Applied to Industry at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. Professor at the Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López.

Lenin Antonio Vera Macías, Universidad Politécnica Estatal de Carchi (UPEC),Tulcán, Ecuador

Agroindustrial Engineer with a Master's Degree in Agroindustry and a Master's Degree in Applied Statistics from the Universidad Politécnica Estatal de Carchi, Tulcán.


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How to Cite

Robalino Delgado, K. V., Ferrín Mendoza, Y. M., Cedeño Alcívar , D. C., & Vera Macías, L. A. (2024). Evaluation of the banana Snack production process, “KC” company in Chone Canton, Ecuador . Journal of Science and Technology El Higo, 14(2), 73–84. https://doi.org/10.5377/elhigo.v14i2.19163



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