Evaluation of partial replacement of wheat flour with nancite pulp flour (byrsonima crassifolia) in the formulation of cookies, on a laboratory scale





Treatment, yield, physical characteristics, sensory characteristics


The purpose of this study was to produce flour based on nancite (Byrsonima crassifolia) pulp as a proposal for partial substitution of conventional wheat flour in the manufacture of cookies, using an experimental design in which the percentage of wheat flour substitution by nancite flour was varied, with the following proportions: 90:10, 80:20 and 70:30, keeping other ingredients and processing conditions constant. The following results were obtained: flour yield was 11.14%, average particle diameter was 245.63 ± 2.04 µm, bulk density was 0.76868 ± 0.00339 g/cm3, moisture percentage was 4.568 ± 0.215 % and dry matter percentage was 95.432 ± 0.215 %. From the sensory analysis it was determined that cookies made with 10% inclusion of nancite pulp flour are the most acceptable, so it could be suggested as an optimal inclusion level.


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Author Biographies

Donald Samuel Zelaya Lanuza, National University of Engineering, Regional University Center, Estelí, Nicaragua

He is an agroindustrial engineer, with a master's degree in technology management, entrepreneurship and innovation. He has taught for more than seven years on topics related to food processing and unit operations for the Agroindustrial Engineering program at the National University of Engineering, UNI Regional University Center, Estelí.

María Isabel Torres Sánchez , National University of Engineering, Regional University Center, Estelí, Nicaragua

She is a graduate of Agroindustrial Engineering - Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (2024). She has done internships at Castellón Coffee Group, Samuel Mansell S.A. and Tabacalera Pichardo. She has knowledge of industrial processes, reordering of production lines and quality control parameters. She has experience in the development of business plans for enterprises. She also has knowledge in the use of Microsoft Excel Advanced and Power BI for business. His research work includes the development of products from agricultural raw materials.

José Gabriel González González, National University of Engineering, Regional University Center, Estelí, Nicaragua

He is a graduate of Agroindustrial Engineering - Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (2024). He has completed professional internships at Lanuza Bakery, Cárnicos Don Octavio and Tabacalera Esteban Carreras. She has knowledge of industrial processes and quality control parameters. She has experience in the development of business plans for enterprises. He also has knowledge in the use of Microsoft Office 365. His research work includes the development of products from agricultural raw materials.

Douglas Alexander Sánchez Flores, National University of Engineering, Regional University Center, Estelí, Nicaragua

He is a graduate of Agroindustrial Engineering - Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (2024). He has carried out professional practices in different companies such as Centrolac S.A., Tabacalera AJ Fernández, Beneficio de Café Centro América and Agua Roca. He has knowledge of industrial processes, production line reordering and quality control parameters. His research work includes the development of products from agricultural raw materials.

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How to Cite

Zelaya Lanuza, D. S., Torres Sánchez , M. I., González González, J. G., & Sánchez Flores, D. A. (2024). Evaluation of partial replacement of wheat flour with nancite pulp flour (byrsonima crassifolia) in the formulation of cookies, on a laboratory scale. Journal of Science and Technology El Higo, 14(2), 103–119. https://doi.org/10.5377/elhigo.v14i2.19417



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