Evaluation of alternative chemical products, organic and botanical biopreparations alternatives for soil insect control in the first vegetative stage of sweet pepper (Capsicum Annuum l.)





Orders, pest control, incidence, plant diseases, dichotomous keys


This study was conducted at the Experimental Agricultural Farm of the National Engineering University (FAE-UNI) in Masaya, covering an area of 435 m². Its objective was to evaluate different chemical alternatives, organic biopreparations, and botanical treatments during the early vegetative stage of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) for controlling soil insects. The research aimed to identify the most effective and sustainable option for small and medium producers. A total of 3,557 insects belonging to 9 orders were collected and identified, with Hemiptera (1,916 individuals) and Hymenoptera (910) being the most predominant. Seventeen families were recorded, the most common being Pseudococcidae (1,898 individuals), Spirostreptidae (182), Gryllidae (133), and Chrysomelidae (91). The percentage of disease incidence in the root system was also evaluated, finding necrosis in all treatments, with 29% in the botanical treatment. The incidence of Rhizoctonia spp was low across all treatments, notably higher at 71% in the chemical treatment, while galls were more frequent in the chemical treatment (38%). To compare the results, the R statistical program and Tukey’s test were utilized. The experimental design (BCA) allowed for the determination of whether the alternatives had significant effects on pest control. The botanical alternative proved to be the most effective in reducing pest incidence, followed by the organic biopreparation, due to the fungicidal properties of the components used in these treatments, while the chemical treatment showed lower efficacy.


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Author Biographies

Esthefany Guadalupe Camacho Sandoval, National University of Engineering, Managua, Nicaragua

Agricultural Engineer, from the National University of Engineering of the Directorate of Knowledge Area of Agriculture.

Génesis Vanessa Guevara Morales , National University of Engineering, Managua, Nicaragua

Agricultural Engineer, from the National University of Engineering of the Directorate of Knowledge Area of Agriculture.

Nancy Lisbeth Jirón Carballo , National University of Engineering, Managua, Nicaragua

Agricultural Engineer, from the National University of Engineering of the Directorate of Knowledge Area of Agriculture.

Emilseth Carolina Padilla Duarte , National University of Engineering, Managua, Nicaragua

Agricultural Engineer, from the National University of Engineering, researcher teacher in the agricultural area, has postgraduate courses in Management of Scientific Research Projects, Design of Research Projects and Research Methodology with emphasis on design of experiments applied to SPSS, also has a Master's Degree in Plant Health, University Professor of the Knowledge Area of Agriculture, of the Academic Program of Agricultural Engineering for 13 years.


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How to Cite

Camacho Sandoval, E. G., Guevara Morales , G. V., Jirón Carballo , N. L., & Padilla Duarte , E. C. (2024). Evaluation of alternative chemical products, organic and botanical biopreparations alternatives for soil insect control in the first vegetative stage of sweet pepper (Capsicum Annuum l.). Journal of Science and Technology El Higo, 14(2), 195–206. https://doi.org/10.5377/elhigo.v14i2.19683



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