Performance of Civil Engineering students the perspective of employers, period 2014-2016




Graduates competencies, integral training, higher education, educational management


The article refers to the evaluation of employers' perception of the job performance of civil engineering students from the National University of Engineering, Regional Campus of the North, in the city of Estelí, Nicaragua, in the period 2014-2016, during the completion of pre-professional internships in governmental and private regional institutions. It was performed a descriptive statistical  analysis of the data, a multivariate variance analysis as well as a “t” test, which indicated that there is no significant difference in the evaluation of the student performance of both the private and governmental sectors for the 66 organizations with data registered. A BIPLOT graph was generated, which it possible to infer that in the private sector the aspects related to the ability to integration to the teamwork, the initiative and ability to analyze, as well as the care and protection of assets, are better evaluated. The perception of employers of student performance is excellent, setting a pattern to continue with internships or training to strengthen the bond with the environment, consolidate the student experience and thus be able to add to the comprehensive training of those graduated in this house of studies.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Junior Navarro Hudiel, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería-Sede Regional Norte, Nicaragua

Dr.  En Gestión y Calidad de la Investigación Científica. Investigador y Docente Universitario por más 15 años. Máster en vías Terrestres, Ingeniero Civil. Experiencia en investigaciones de zonificación, así como calidad e investigación educativa.


Sandra Lorena Blandón Navarro, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería-Sede Regional Norte, Nicaragua.

Es doctora en Ciencias de Ingeniería de Alimentos, Universidad de Sao Paulo (USP), Brasil (2016), con maestría en Procesamiento de Alimentos, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI), Nicaragua (2009) y graduada de Ingeniería Química en la misma universidad (2003). Actualmente es Profesora titular de la UNI a nivel de grado y posgrado, en la carrera de Ingeniería agroindustrial y en la maestría en Procesamiento de Alimentos de la Facultad de Ingeniería Química (FIQ-UNI). Posee diplomados de Modelo Educativo Institucional (IPN-México), Educación Online (UOL-UNI, Managua, Nicaragua) y Estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje aplicadas a los estudios de alimentos (ISEKI FOOD-4 PROJECT, Atenas, Grecia). Además, posee experiencia en el área de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, con énfasis en desarrollo de productos, aprovechamiento de residuos de la agroindustria e ingeniería de separaciones. 


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How to Cite

Navarro Hudiel, S. J., & Blandón Navarro, S. L. (2020). Performance of Civil Engineering students the perspective of employers, period 2014-2016. Journal of Science and Technology El Higo, 10(1), 53–62.



Scientific articles