Authors Guidelines

The Scientific Journal "El Higo" is a biannual and peer-reviewed publication in the field of Science and Technology at the National University of Engineering, Regional University Center in Estelí, Nicaragua. It accepts original and relevant research papers in the areas of Science, Technology, and Innovation, both nationally and internationally.

The themes of publication are related to the knowledge areas of Engineering, Agro Industrial, and Education. The journal accepts articles in both English and Spanish. Published articles represent the authors' ideas and not necessarily the journal's stance or the institution's.

Submission and publication of articles have no associated costs.

Are you interested in publishing in the scientific journal?

Authors must register on the journal before publishing. If already registered, they can log in and start the five-step process.

It is also recommended to consult the instructions for the author according to the publication you wish to send.

Instructions for Authors - Research Scientific Article

Instructions for Authors - Review Scientific Article

Originality Letter

APA Citation and References


  1. Research Scientific Article
  2. Review Scientific Article

Articles must also be sent to the following emails along with the originality letter:,

ORCID number

All authors must include their ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) ​​number in their article submissions. ORCID is a unique and persistent identifier that allows researchers to connect their publications, data and other research activities.

Among the benefits is improved visibility of your research: Your ORCID allows you to create a public profile that links to all your publications, data and other research activities. This makes it easier for other researchers to find you and learn about your work.

To obtain an ORCID:

  • Visit the ORCID website:
  • Click “Register” and follow the instructions.
  • Once you have your ORCID, be sure to include it in your author profile on the El Higo magazine submission platform.

We appreciate your collaboration in the implementation of this requirement, which will help improve the visibility and impact of research published in the science and technology journal El Higo.

Originality and scientific ethics

Articles sent to El Higo magazine must be unpublished and must not have been published in whole or in part in any other magazine or media. Authors are expected to present novel research results, provide new perspectives and contribute to scientific knowledge in the area of ​​interest.

Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are not tolerated. Exhaustive reviews are carried out to detect any type of plagiarism, using specialized tools and the experience of peer reviewers. Articles found to be in violation of the originality rules will be rejected.