Informal conversations as a data collection technique

to address gender violence and masculinities




Informal conversation, ethnography, gender, masculinities, Moskitia


This essay reflects on the significant contributions of the use of the technique of informal conversations to address gender violence and masculinities. The reflections are oriented to the ethnographic notes of the field work lived in the Honduran Moskitia and embodied in a Campo Diary. The essay summarizes the experiences of three moments: First, in the interaction, coexistence and social life in the community, achieving participatory involvement in the daily life of the places visited. The second moment rescues the participation in the collective processes of the women’s grassroots organization where the supervised professional practice was carried out. Finally, it rescues the participation of a “Diagnosis on the situation of gender violence in Moskitia” where a work team was formed with a specialist in the matter. In conclusion, the technique of informal conversations provides a contribution to the researcher when applied in ethnographic contexts, it introduces us to the community, especially when working on issues related to gender and masculinity processes.


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Author Biography

Jonathan Arturo E. Rubí, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Honduras

Maestro. Licenciatura en Antropología Sociocultural de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. Miembro activo de organizaciones juveniles que promueven la participación juvenil en espacios de incidencia. Diplomados en Gestión de proyectos, pedagogía, educación popular, metodologías en masculinidades, gestión cultural, políticas públicas. Consultor independiente, con trabajos en temas de Violencia de Género, Masculinidades, Salud Sexual y Reproductiva. Experiencia de campo con pueblos indígenas y organizaciones de mujeres. Promotor cultural a través de la danza folclórica hondureña.


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How to Cite

E. Rubí, J. A. . (2023). Informal conversations as a data collection technique : to address gender violence and masculinities. Raíces: Journal of Social Sciences and Politics, 6(12), 180–188.



Etnografía, escritura y experiencias