Contributions of the University of El Salvador to the country’s development
Research, professionalization, democratization, knowledge society, higher education policyAbstract
Introduction: this document provides a brief outline of the contribution of the University of El Salvador to social and productive development in the history of the country. The importance and originality of this work lies in bringing to light some of the contributions of the UES in different areas, particularly its performance in professional and scientific training, and in the democratization processes of the country; but it also brings to light its main current challenges. Objective: to make visible part of the contributions made by the University of El Salvador for the benefit of Salvadoran society. Methodology: an exploratory and descriptive study based on the review of documents in the public domain. Results: In its origins, the University of El Salvador was the institution where the country’s ruling class was educated, and throughout its history it has contributed from professional training to the processes of social change; accompanying movements for democracy and in the constant search for academic quality in terms of various social problems. Conclusions: Throughout its history, the University of El Salvador has played a central role in the development of the country, because from professional training, research and scientific innovation with a social approach, it is linked to the solution of problems in different areas of the Salvadoran reality, emphasizing its special contribution to democratic life and the development of the country.
La Universidad de El Salvador (UES), única universidad pública del país, a partir de su compromiso social, misión, visión, principios y valores estratégicos, le corresponde ser rectora de la educación superior. Lo que implica formar profesionales con alta calidad humana, científica y tecnológica, con capacidades para investigar, innovar y contribuir a las transformaciones educativas, sociales, económicas y productivas del país. Aquí radica su contribución a la sociedad salvadoreña, que es de larga data.