Elements of the sustainability in the bioeconomy and its relationship with administrative theories





Sustainability, Administrative theory, Process management, Competitive advantages, Organizational trends


The objective of this research work was to analyze and distinguish the foundations of sustainability present in the bioeconomy and, in turn, how these practices are related to administrative theories and, at the same time, with organizational management. 62 scientific publications and 4 technical publications were explored. As a result, it was described that sustainability is immersed within the bioeconomy through the Triple Balance Model that integrate the economic, ecological and social dimensions, the Triple Helix Model by promoting alliances between the governmental, academic and private sectors, as well as statutes such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, or Corporate Social Responsibility.  Likewise, the sustainability of the bioeconomy is related to the administrative theories that promote, inside the organizational entities, the design of policies and operations attached to the bioeconomy, for example, good practices that contribute to the preservation of the wildlife, adequacy of clean energy sources, integral growth of communities, as well as the reincorporation of biomass into value chains.


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Author Biographies

Ing. José Humberto Figueroa Ugalde, Technological Institute of Sonora (ITSON). Mexico

Graduated with a degree in Industrial Engineering in Quality from La Salle Noroeste University (2015-2019, Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, Mexico), awarded the "San Miguel Febres Cordero" medal as the best average of the generation, student of the Master of Management Organizational (PNPC-CONACYT Program) of the Technological Institute of Sonora (ITSON, Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, Mexico).

Dr. Ernesto Alonso Lagarda-Leyva, Technological Institute of Sonora (ITSON). Mexico

Research professor at the Technological Institute of Sonora, Doctor in Strategic Planning for Performance Improvement, member of the National System of Researchers, Responsible for the Master's Degree in Supply Chain Management, Director of the Megaregion Chapter: Sonora-Arizona by PI -Global Network, Founding Partner of Sur Sonora Connect and National Award for Logistics Academic Category.

Dr. Roberto Celaya-Figueroa, Technological Institute of Sonora (ITSON). Mexico

Graduated in Public Accounting and Master in Administration from the Technological Institute of Sonora, Doctor in International Relations from the University of Colima; Certified Business Consultant by the Know Standard, Business Consultant Accredited by the National System of Consultants of the Ministry of Economy, National Award for Research by the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants in its 2002-2003 and 2004-2005 editions; Magister in Educational Management, Honorable Ibero-American Educator, and Doctor Honoris Causa, honorary recognitions granted by the Ibero-American Council in Honor of Educational Quality (2004); Leader of Excellence 2017 by the Humanitam Foundation, ANFECA Recognition of Academic Merit "Arturo Elizundia Charles" for the trajectory of more than 23 years distinguishing himself in his work in the substantive functions of higher education, Professional of the Year 2018 by the Government of the State of Sonora, member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) and recognized by the Teacher Development Program (PRODEP).



How to Cite

Figueroa Ugalde, J., Lagarda-Leyva, E. A., & Celaya-Figueroa, R. (2022). Elements of the sustainability in the bioeconomy and its relationship with administrative theories. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 8(15), 1806–1821. https://doi.org/10.5377/ribcc.v8i15.14183



