Statistical analysis of the growth of white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) during the dry season In Ejido La Solucion Somos Todos, Paraiso Tabasco




mangroves, Climate change, Conservation


Introduction: Allometric functions that consider certain physical parameters of the tree, such as diameter at breast height, height and crown diameter, are used to estimate plant growth. The objective: to estimate the growth of white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosaL. Gaertn) in validation plots during the dry season of the year 2023. Materials and methods: Measurements of allometric variables of white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) were made in three plots during the dry season of the year. Results: Height presented means of 1.26 m, 1.37 m and 1.43 m, DBH presented means of 0.37 cm, 0.28 cm and 0.41 cm, and crown diameter presented mean values of 41.81 cm, 37.17 cm and 51.60 cm, all these values for measurements in February, April and June, respectively. Conclusion: The study confirms that the dry season has a significant impact on the growth of the white mangrove, since significant differences were demonstrated in the growth of the plants evaluated in terms of height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and crown diameter, which suggests that seasonal and environmental factors have a significant influence on their development.


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Author Biographies

B. Sánchez-Díaz, National Technology of Mexico. Comalcalco Campus. Mexico

Teacher in the University

A. Sol-Sánchez, Colegio de Postgraduados campus Tabasco. Área de Agricultura

Ángel is a Dr. in forest science. He is a biologist with a master's degree in natural resources and a doctorate in tropical
forestry from CATIE in Costa Rica and the University of Idaho in the United States. Ángel is a research professor in the area of ​​tropical fruit growing, climate change, mangroves and bioeconomics.
He is President of the Iberoamerican Society for Bioeconomy and Climate Change, he is the link in Mexico of the
network of the same name. He has been awarded on several occasions as a distinguished professor, member of the state system
of researchers and is currently a member of the National System of Researchers of Mexico.
He is editor-in-chief in Mexico of the Iberoamerican magazine on Bioeconomy and climate change  

J. C. Cabrales-De La Cruz, National Technology of Mexico. Comalcalco Campus. Mexico

Teacher of the University

G. I. Hernández-Melchor, Autonomous University of Chiapas. Mexico

Teacher of the university

Lucy Dalia Aguilar.Sanchez, National Technology of Mexico. Comalcalco Campus. Mexico

Thesis student


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Díaz, B., Sol-Sánchez, A., Cabrales-De La Cruz, J. C., Hernández-Melchor, G. I. ., & Aguilar.Sanchez, L. D. (2023). Statistical analysis of the growth of white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) during the dry season In Ejido La Solucion Somos Todos, Paraiso Tabasco. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 9(18), 2163–2172.



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