CO2 and PM2.5 at teaching office from Unitarians Operations Department
Interior air quality, pollution, monitory, environment, normAbstract
In the present paper is exposed the study of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Particulate Matter (PM2.5) at Unitarians Operations Department teachings office, at Faculty of Chemical, Simon Bolivar Place of National Engineering University, in the period October of 2020 to March of 2021. In order to get this a monitoring was made in workable hours for the parameters PM2.5 and CO2, at interior and exterior environment near to teachings office. It was determined the statistical parameters of the two variables, the temporal profile of each variable, and it was evaluated the fulfill of the air quality standards at interiors places according to OSHA and ACGIG guides. It was determined that the parameters PM2.5 and CO2 at teachings office fulfill the guides values of interiors air quality.
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