The importance of LEED certification in healthcare architectural projects




Design, environmental-impact, health, hospitals, LEED-certification


The worldwide demand for hospitals has increased over time, this space being the reflection of various historical events that have forced it to adapt to various physical, social and environmental conditions that society faces, to its time, lacking spaces essential for its operations. The purpose of this article is to raise awareness among architects for the implementation of design strategies with the use of clean energy, especially in the health sector, at a national and international level since, as is known, these are the hospitals that generate the highest index. of contamination in the waste (organic, inorganic and RPBI) that is produced daily as well as the architectural space that consumes the most energy, for example "According to the Development Bank of Latin America (13), a typical distribution of energy consumption in hospitals It would be: 51% in air conditioning, 12% in ventilation and pumps, 6% in domestic hot water, 14% in lighting and 17% in equipment. With this background, through a more empathetic approach to the environment, integrating LEED standards into the design as an urgent alternative, it is intended that with this implementation of certification in the health sector, and properly equipped spaces, they will improve quality, medical care and avoid expenses. unnecessary energy. Another implementation is green spaces that benefit us in different ways, since there are studies that suggest that these reduce unfavorable health conditions including cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes and cancer. There is a great social/environmental problem that requires raising awareness for future constructions by integrating various factors, since population growth strongly demands resources and spaces, creating collapse in emergency situations, which is why buildings must respond to current and future demands.


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Author Biographies

Lilian Arriaga-López, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Formación profesional, licenciatura en Arquitectura con maestría en Conservación del Patrimonio Edificado, actualmente docente de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (México) en la Facultad de Arquitectura desde hace 10 años. Investigadora del sector salud con la aplicación en el diseño arquitectónico, como productos “Guía para estudiantes de Arquitectura, en el manejo de la normativa y el diseño de espacios para el sector salud “e Integración de Ecotecnologías y Diseño Sustentable en Edificios de Salud. En el trabajo secular más de 22 años colaborando con el sector gubernamental en diferentes dependencias enfocada a las auditorias, a la gestión de obra pública, concursos de obra y participación como restauradora del patrimonio edificado en diferentes inmuebles.

Hilda Patricia Reyes-Sánchez, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Lic. en Arquitectura 1989-1995 Mtra. en diseño Arquitectónico 2004-2007 tesis: “Arquitectura del Centro Comercial Angelópolis Puebla, valoración en términos de un enfoque sustentable” Coordinador de proyectos 1997-2002.Ingreso a Caminos y Puentes Federales Coordinador de Proyectos Gerencia Cuacnopalan–Tehuacán–Oaxaca. Supervisor en PACCSA Ing. ciudad. México 2003-2004.Proyectista en la empresa Geotecnia y Control de Calidad S.A. de CV. 2004 al 2006. Gerente técnico en la empresa Grupo Constructor Servicios y Tecnologías de México SA de CV 2007 al 2009. Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes del estado de Puebla coordinador técnico 2010-2011. ACENER Construcciones Desarrollo de proyectos ampliaciones y remodelaciones de hospitales 2011-2013. Catedrática de la Benemérita Universidad autónoma de Puebla BUAP 2010-2024.


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How to Cite

Arriaga-López, L., & Reyes-Sánchez, H. P. (2024). The importance of LEED certification in healthcare architectural projects. Architecture + Journal, 9(17), 66–80.


