The Subaltern Voices at the Gate of Heaven by Luis de Lion


  • Luis Antonio Tobar-Quintero Universidad de El Salvador



Indigenous literature, Luis de Lion, Narrative, Subalternity, Coloniality of power


The writing developed by Luis de Lion is marked by experiential events that influenced his literary production. Descendant of a Guatemalan Mayan ethnic group, he suffers firsthand racial discrimination by Ladinos in Guatemala City. Thus, the objective of this article is to analyze the work, La Puerta del Cielo in a double way: first, applying a narratological analysis, based on the theories of Ducrot, Todorov, Reis, Valles and Álamo and secondly, a criticism identified in the author's work, from the theory of the coloniality of power developed by Aníbal Quijano when applying them to themes that reflect the ladino / indigenous conflict, black / white, products of modernity and racialization in power relations.

PDF (Español (España)) 340
ePub (Español (España)) 36

Author Biography

Luis Antonio Tobar-Quintero, Universidad de El Salvador

Lic. en Sociologia por la Facultad Multidiciplinaria de la Universidad de El Salvador, investigador del Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO), articulista de las revistas: La Universidad, Salud y Desarrollo, Realidad y Reflexion, AKADEMOS y Conjeturas Sociologicas Actualmente trabaj como administrativo en la biblioteca de la Facultad y es estudiante de ultimo año de la Maestría en Estudios de Cultura Centroamericana, Opcion Literatura. 





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