Central America's only dinosaur fossil was discovered in Honduras in 1971
In 1971, Gregory Horne, an American geologist at Wesleyan University, discovered in Honduras the only dinosaur fossil found in Central America during a geological research tour near San Luis, Comayagua (Zúniga, 2017). The fossil, a femur of an ornithopod dinosaur, hadrosauroid, is currently in the Natural History Museum in Washington D.C. (Smithsonian Institute) under code USNM PAL 181339 (Reproduced with permission). His identification was confirmed by paleontologists recognized as Jack McIntosh and John R. Horner (Horne, 1994). The fossil suggests a potential biological exchange of dinosaurs between North and South America (Rage, 1981), posing a challenge to the theories about the geological formation of Central America