Scientific research in Honduras from the economic, educational and health fields in the period 1980-2015: a characterization


  • Edwin Medina Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
  • Anayensy Cárcamo Pérez Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán
  • Arely Vaquedano Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán



Educational research, health research, economic research, human development


This article is an attempt to gather the tendencies about the current discussion in scientific research in the economical, educational and health sectors in Honduras (1980-2015), generating a wider view, not only as an academic practice at universities or isolated institutions or as a simple theoretical or paradigmatical approach but as a social practice in which researchers and institutions adopt scientific research as a means to contribute to the development of the country by means of new ideas to manage development, to bring about change that can improve the system and to the application of knowledge to transform reality.

Besides, the characterization of scientific research in these three areas, the points of view of several experts are included in order to understand the impact that scientific research has had, its strengths and also its opportunities for improvement. These three areas of research are considered given their relation to human development. In this sense, it becomes of utmost importance to know and explore which is the actual state of scientific research in Honduras. The economical aspect is a key element in the development of the countries, in this sense, for the last thirty years the country has been unable to overcome the high poverty and extreme poverty indicators. On the other hand, the low educational level, access, coverage and education quality become obstacles to development. Therefore, educational research becomes fundamental in order to promote and foster human development. As a last element we have the area of health which is related to the permanent search for new knowledge that can provide with new alternatives for decision making and for the creation of public policies in the health area.


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Author Biography

Edwin Medina, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán




How to Cite

Medina, E., Cárcamo Pérez, A., & Vaquedano, A. (2018). Scientific research in Honduras from the economic, educational and health fields in the period 1980-2015: a characterization. Paradigma: Revista De Investigación Educativa, 23(36), 7–22.


