Monitoring of insect pest populations in Persian lemon due to the effect of neem Azadirachta indica




Biopesticide, repellent, vegetables extracts, eco intesification, Pezothrips kellyanus


Introduction: The Persian lemon (Citrus latifolia Tan), also known as Tahiti lemon and Persian lemon, is a crop susceptible to pests, which reduce the production and quality of the fruits. The goal was to evaluate different doses of the neem in the population density of pest insects and their biological effectiveness in a Persian lemon tree. Materials and methods: The experiment was carried out at the Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Jesus Carranza in a plot with 20 juvenile Persian lemon trees, the doses of the neem biopesticide treatments applied were 2, 3 and 4 ml/L every eight days during period from August to November, the insecticide cypermethrin (2 ml/L) was used as a control; the variables evaluated were: determination of the percentage of effectiveness of the biopesticide, number of pest insects, and taxonomic identification of pest insects at the tree level. Results and discussion: the insecticidal activity was observed in dose of 3ml/L (T4) and 4 ml/L (T5), which showed a reduction of thrips (Pezothrips kellyanus) and whitefly (Dialeurodes citri) population. The biopesticide used showed an effectiveness of 46% in the control of insect pest. Conclusion: The neem-based biopesticide is an alternative for the agroecological management of pest in Persian lemon crops in higher concentrations, also allows the presence of beneficial insects in the tree canopy.


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Author Biographies

J. V. Megchún-García, Higher Technological Institute of Jesus Carranza, Mexico

PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Master of Science in Tropical Agroecosystems and Agricultural Engineer Phytotechnician. He currently works as a Research Professor at the TecNM / Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Jesús Carranza. I belong to the National System of CONACYT Researchers candidate level.   Researcher in the network of Tropical Fruit Trees of INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla. I received training courses and workshops in Mexico, on crop management, pest and disease control, Marketing, Postharvest Management, Climate Change, English, Geographic Information System. Participate in a course and stay in Montevideo Uruguay, on fruit growing in tropical and Mediterranean climates. Research stays at the Technological Institute of Boca del Río, Stay at the Federal University of Acre of Brazil and at INIFAP. Participation in scientific events International Symposium in Peru. Participation in research projects on tropical crops, organic production, tropical fruit trees, urban agriculture and thiamethoxam. Participation in diploma courses, bachelor's and master's theses advisor, parcipaon in SADER-INIFAP technical accompaniment.

M. R. Castañeda-Chávez, Technological Institute of Boca del Río, Mexico

Research professor at TecNM/Boca del Río Technological Institute.   She belongs to the National System of Researchers level II of CONACYT

G. G. Lucho-Constantino , Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Jesús Carranza, Mexico

Research professor at the TecNM/Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Jesús Carranza   Belongs to the National System of CONACYT Researchers level I


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How to Cite

Megchún García, J. V., Castañeda Chávez, M. del R. ., & Lucho Constantino , G. G. . (2023). Monitoring of insect pest populations in Persian lemon due to the effect of neem Azadirachta indica. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 9(17), 2129–2139.



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