Organizational strategy of the Nicaraguan agricultural sector in the face of climate change




Mitigation, Adaptation, Food soberany, Food sovereignty, Agroecolgy Bioeconomy


Background: The National Board of Agroecology and Soil (MAES) is an initiative led by the Government of Reconstruction and National Unity of Nicaragua (GRUN) through the Nicaraguan Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), with the purpose of implementing an organizational model of an inter-institutional nature to manage the impacts caused by climate change in the agricultural sector. The research focused on the systematization of validated experiences and good practices for adaptation to climate change, which has been implemented by the MAES. Methodology: for the systematization of the experiences, the multiple case study methodology was used. Results: The results show that the strategies and practices, which are being promoted by the MAES, strengthen the institutional capacities of the agricultural sector and expand the technological options for producers in the promotion of the Agroecological Bioeconomy as a viable alternative for development. Sustainability of the agricultural sector in Nicaragua. Conclusions: The MAES highlights the strengths, functions, roles, and responsibilities of the institutions. A second conclusion is the strategies are a benchmark experience for Latin America. The third conclusion is the focus of the agroecology bioeconomy in the management of public policies and finally, the space for inclusive articulation in the transformation of the agricultural sector in Nicaragua.


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Author Biographies

E. J. Vega-Corea, Nicaraguan Institute of Agricultural Technology. Nicaragua

Researcher of the Investigation Department, INTA

F. Salmeron-Miranda, Facilitator of the National Board of Agroecology and Soils. Nicaragua

Consultant and researcher at FAO Nicaragua

C. A. Zuniga-Gonzalez, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon. Nicaragua

Director of the Bioeconomy and Climate Change Research Center, FACAV. Department of Agroecology. UNAN Leon.

S. J. Saenz-Rojas, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon. Nicaragua

Director of the School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences. UNAN Leon

H. R. Calvo-Reyes, Identity Seed Alliance. Nicaragua

Researcher of Seed of Identity. 

MAES, National Board of Agroecology and Soil. Nicaragua

Researchers from MAES institutions. producer organizations (MAONIC and FEM), government entities (INTA, MEFCCA and MAG), universities (CNU, UNAN-Managua, UNAN-León, URACCAN, UNIAV and UNA), development organizations (SWISSAID and ASI) and centers of research and international cooperation (CIAT, IICA, WFP, CATIE, CRS and FAO).


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How to Cite

Vega-Corea, E. de J., Salmeron-Miranda, F., Zuniga-Gonzalez, C. A., Saenz-Rojas, S. J., Calvo-Reyes, H. R. ., & MAES, M. de A. y S. (2023). Organizational strategy of the Nicaraguan agricultural sector in the face of climate change. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 9(17), 2090–2106.





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