Legal and regulatory context of graffiti in the image of urban space: Central America and Mexico
Graffiti, Urban Image, Regulations, Legislation, Central America, MéxicoAbstract
When talking about urban image, it is one of the great tasks of the process of land use planning and urban development and therefore refers to certain mandatory public functions of the authorities to create and apply the rules in this matter, as well as control and monitor compliance with them. When the elements of the urban landscape (buildings, roads, squares and monuments) are addressed, not only is the urban image being dealt with, but there is an intimate relationship with contemporary urban artistic expressions. But, is there legislation and regulations that allow a balance between urban development plans and spontaneous expressions of urban art? Graffiti as one of the most frequent expressions of this type in Central America and Mexico has faced various conflicts with the urban space and that is why it is questioned if there are guidelines to be able to dialogue with it within the urban space. The data recorded on the countries of the region that have given it an opportunity to express itself or have sanctioned it, are aligned or opposed to the evidence of its exponents and the various ways of interacting in social contexts.
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