Latin American Innovation Rally: an experience for the development of professional competences




Generic competences, professional competences, latin american rally, innovation


In this article, which arises from the systematization of an extension experience, it is tackled the main aspects of the Latin American innovation rally and its impact on the development of generic and professional competences in the students who participate in this event. The Latin American innovation rally takes place every year at the UNANManagua Faculties, as well as at other Latin American universities. The fundamental objective of the rally is the development of competences for innovation in students who are training in universities. This rally poses various challenges that students will have to solve over the course of approximately 36 hours. In addition to the students, professors and others proffesionals work as guide who lead the process of definition and operationalization of the students’ ideas. The challenges are varied and are known to the participating students, until the event begins. However, the systematization of this experience remains at the reporting level, so this document seeks to show the effect of this Rally on the development of generic and professional competences in those who participate in it.

At the Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria de Chontales, UNAN-Managua, in 2020, participated 50 students, 8 tutors and 2 advisers. One of the works created got a national award. However, beyond competitiveness, the significance of this event lies in the development of academic and professional skills in the participants.

PDF (Español (España)) 173



How to Cite

Reyes Centeno, M. A., Castilla, K. P., & Téllez Gómez, Y. S. (2021). Latin American Innovation Rally: an experience for the development of professional competences. Revista Compromiso Social, (5), 112–119.




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