Pedagogical Vision of University Extension in Research Subjects, National University of Engineering 2023
Pedagogical vision, university extension, research subjects, national university of engineeringAbstract
The present study analyzes the pedagogical vision
of University Extension in research subjects at the
National University of Engineering. This substantive area is defined as an activity that integrates academic work with the social, cultural, and economic reality of the community. The study uses a qualitative approach, which explores the experiences and perspectives of students in their research process and their impact on their training and society. Descriptive, exploratory methods, and documentary analysis are used as a fundamental technique to investigate the pedagogical vision from a theoretical point of view. The results show that research-related subject programs contribute to student training by developing their skills in research and solving specific problems. Likewise, it is evident that the National University of Engineering offers a variety of university Extension programs and activities, demonstrating its commitment and role in serving the community. In conclusion, the study allows us to understand the importance of university extension in student training and how the institution is committed to its role in serving the local community. This study provides valuable information to improve and strengthen the pedagogical vision of University Extension in the institution and society.
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