The doctorate program “management and quality of scientific research” (DOGCINV), first cohort, 2016-2019
Management and Quality of Scientific Research, R D i Model, Mixed Approach of Scientific Research.Abstract
With the proposal to let it know the results and achievements of the PhD Program “Management and Quality of Scientific Research”, (DOGCINV), First Cohort 2016-2019 of UNAN-Managua, it is presented this article. It’s highlighted of the First Cohort 2016-2019: (1) Maked and approved the PhD Research Projects, during the first year, the mean scores = 96.70. (2) Defined the PhD advisor for every one of PhD students during the first year. (3) Approved the 125 credits of the PhD Program, mean scores = 92.89. (4) Every one of PhD students approved at least one of the optative curses. (5) At September 30, 2019, it was achieved a good accomplishment on the payments to the PhD Program, 64.70% of PhD students already had canceled the whole payments, 29.42% already had canceled 85% of the whole payments, only one case 5.88% still was remaining. It was demonstrated a high economic efficiency of DOGCINV, with a marginal return rate of 1.5079. (6) High satisfaction of PhD students regarding its advances in the Program: 100 % of the DOGCINV Plan A (9/17) were satisfied, more el 37.50 % of the DOGCINV Plan B (8/17) were satisfied. (7) DOGCINV improved its knowledge and skills on scientific research of their PhD studens.
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