Systematization of experiences with undergraduate students in internships and placements
Systematization, practices and internships, teaching experienceAbstract
The Biotechnology Research Center of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua (CIB/UNAN-Managua) has been implementing different strategies in the training processes through practices and internships carried out by students in years III, IV, and V related to Biotechnology careers; The systematized period was 2019-2023. The objective of the experience systematization process was to present the methodology that contributed
to the improvement and transformation of educational processes through practices and internships, as well as the recognition of the work of students. During the evaluated period, 280 students were involved. The majority of students belonged to the Environmental Chemistry major at the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of UNAN-Managua, followed by the Industrial Chemistry and Biology majors. The most prevalent type of practices was familiarization practices, accounting for 28% of the total. Practicum plays a crucial role in the professional development of young individuals, and the way internships are conducted is the primary mode of learning at the CIB/UNAN-Managua. Therefore, the experiences gained allow us to enhance our approach to make it transformative and to present detailed data that substantiate the teaching work at the CIB/UNAN-Managua. Emphasis was placed on areas of student opportunities to effectively cultivate professionals who can meet and adapt to the demands of the competitive world of work
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