Integration of teaching, extension and research through field practices
University and business, key processes, teaching, extension and research.Abstract
The integration of key functions (teaching, extension and research) in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is a very important issue that contributes to the training of competent professionals committed to sustainable development and strengthening educational quality. the relevance of training and the connection with society. This research is the result of an investigative process that focused on the integration of key processes through field practice carried out in the El Palacio company, located in Jinotega, Nicaragua. The objective was to evaluate the integration of key processes (teaching, extension and research) during field practice. Two teachers, the owner of the company and 26 fourth-year students of the Agricultural Engineering program at the Francisco Luis Espinoza Pineda National University (UNFLEP) participated in the study. The research was developed using the case study methodology, with census-type convenience sampling. The techniques used included semistructured surveys and interviews. The results highlighted integration in teaching representing 39%, while the degree of student satisfaction reached 98.5%. In addition, aspects related to the technology used in growing Haas avocado (Persea Americana), damage and diseases present, agro-conservation practices and integrated pest management (IPM) implemented in the company were evaluated. It concludes with results that demonstrate the effectiveness of the integration of key processes.
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